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A member registered Jul 13, 2021

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Thank you.

Indeed, I have tried the export option and its very handy with the format!

Looking forward to the updates !In the mean time, I wish you a nice holiday!

Thank you for the quick response ! Appeictae that very much.

I understand  your concern regarding data privacy and  cant agree more to it. Of course there is an option to run it from a memory stick on multiple systems but then it has to be running the same OS. Maybe an option for data import ?
It took me a few times of usage to get familiar with the interactions with MuThUr but now I have to say its going very well.  At the moment the only thing I can imagine would be to expand  the possiblity to see the chart(data presentation) in different views. Im still struggling to make sense out of the graph at the bottom (maybe I havent logged in enough data to make sense out of it yet?). I also think that the charm of the application lies in its simplicity.


I really enjoy using Mu Th Ur. I have it running in the startup. I think the design is sleek and distractionless and It really helps me to keep track over things that I do (the purpose of the app). Though I would imagine it would be extremly useful if it has a cloud/remote sync option (eg:Joplin). In this case one could use it in multiple systems and have everything documented in sync. I do not mean in anyway to say that its a shortcoming. Just a suggestion.

Any future plans on the app?